Did you know…
Based on research from one of the world’s leading spine & low back pain expert Dr. Stuart McGill, there are 3 specific core exercises that are most effective for helping prevent low back pain.
You could perform these every single day if you like.
What is unique about this specific combination of exercises is that they target the core from the front, side & back which means you’re strength from all different sides around the spine which increases core stability.
This is something you could do every single day. To keep things simple, you could perform one set of each or you could perform 3 sets of each decreasing the repetitions with each set from 6 reps, then 4 reps, then 2 reps.
Ultimately the important thing is to find what works for you. Here are some nuggets for each movement…
Curl up- Not a crunch. We don’t want to flex the spine, we want to limit motion from the spine. Drop one foot. Hands under low back to work as pressure sensors to ensure you don’t round back. Brace your core. Pick head up slightly off the floor & hold for 10 seconds. Hold is most important part. This is all about stability. We want to get the muscles to kick on & lock the spine in place. Tuck your chin if you feel tension in neck. Repeat for 6 reps.
Side plank- 10 second holds. Repeat for 6 reps. Can perform modified which means from a kneeling position or from a full side plank position with the leg straight.
Bird dog- 10 second holds. Repeat for 6 reps. Slowly come back & touch your fist to the knee. Focus on no motion at the low back. The biggest mistake here is when people take their arm and/or leg too high resulting in excessive extension in the low back.