
How To Succeed With Setting New Fitness Goals

Here’s a recipe for disaster…

Set some new fitness goals at the beginning of the year/quarter/month/week.

Write them down, make a promise to yourself, post them online or on your bathroom mirror, etc.

Revisit goals every couple of days.

Get frustrated by lack of progress towards said goals.

Give up, blame it on external forces outside your control, assume the timing is bad, etc.

That’s not always exactly how it plays out but that gives you an idea. I hate to see it but unfortunately, this is quite common.

The problem is people put too much focus on the outcome they’re after and not enough on the habits, routines, and actions that will get them to the outcome.

Reminds me of the quote, “If nothing changes, nothing changes.”

The point is, we can’t expect better outcomes if our actions don’t change. Setting a goal or intention alone ain’t going to cut it.

The good news is, oftentimes the changes we need to make in order to see progress are small. Most people are only a few small changes away from success.

To give you a few ideas, here are some examples of things I’m doing personally and things I’ve recommended to clients…

  • One of my goals is to write more. What holds me back are 100 different little distractions, most of which are coming from my phone. What I’m doing is setting aside chunks of time each week where my phone is completely shut off, thus removing many of the distractions.
  • Another one of my goals is to improve my mobility. What holds me back is that I simply hate doing it and don’t want to set aside the time. As a solution, I’m spending time stretching while reading a book in the mornings and while watching TV in the evenings.
  • Years ago I worked with this busy executive. He blocked off his calendar to workout but because others on his team didn’t see exercise as a priority, they would schedule meetings when he planned to workout. His solution was to simply change “Meet with personal trainer” in his calendar to “Doctors appointment”. Magically the schedule conflicts went away because his team viewed a doctor’s appointment as important.
  • Working out before work. I’ve made this suggestion a thousand times. Days can quickly get out of hand with meetings, events, kids activities, etc. By convincing people to workout before the chaos ensues, their attendance increases drastically which leads to much better progress and results.

There are hundreds of possible solutions that could help you move forward and improve your results.

The important lesson here is that more times than not if you want to create a different outcome you’re going to have to take a different approach. Oftentimes that can be as simple as making a few minor changes to your routine.

You got this!


PS- If you want help working towards your fitness goals, here is the best way we can help… Fill out the form on your screen and connect with us today!

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