Traveling can completely wreck our body.
Whether it’s a long car drive or sitting in a fart canister 30,000 feet in the air, extended periods with minimal movement isn’t going to do our body any favors.
Fortunately, you don’t have to let it slow you down.
After a long car ride or flight, the two areas I want to get moving right away are the hips and shoulders. This is important because 1) those are two areas involved in virtually all movement and 2) those are two areas that get stuck in these less than ideal positions while traveling.
Keeping in mind that most of us (myself included)won’t take much time for ourselves upon arrival to our destination, here is a simple 4 exercise circuit I’ve both recommended to clients and used myself…
#1 Standing wall slides x 20 repetitions
#2 Half kneeling hip flexor stretch with shoulder circle x 1 minute per side
#3 Lying hip extension x20 repetitions
#4 Bird dog x10 repetitions per side
I’d suggest going through these 4 exercises at least twice.
Best part of all, once completed you’ll feel like a spring chicken and be well on your way to enjoying your trip in no time!