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Neutral Grip Pull Ups
Want to work towards doing a pull-up? Here are some tips to get you to the promised land! The difference here is that your palms will be facing each other when you grip the bars. Make sure you cross your legs, this is going to create tension to make
Do It Early!
20+ years as a personal trainer. One thing that has been clear since day one is that clients who workout in the morning are more consistent. There are a ton of factors that play into this and I know not everyone can workout in the morning (there are a lot
Quadruped plank
If there was a core strengthening exercise that was virtually impossible to do wrong, would you like to know what that was? Well you’re in luck today! Here’s a “fun” plank variation that will help to strengthen the core and works great for our clients that have struggled with back
How often should we exercise?
Motion is lotion and movement is life. Our bodies were meant to move and move often. I believe we should do something every day. No, that doesn’t mean you need to come to the gym every day or crush yourself at a high intensity every day but you do need
Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Want stronger legs? If so, it doesn’t get much better than this! What makes the real foot elevated split squat so amazing is that you can really challenge the lower body without having to add a ton of external resistance. The end result is stronger legs while being
Why we do Unilateral Movements
Did you know… We tend to do a decent amount of single arm and single leg exercises but have you ever wondered why? If you must know, there are several reasons… First, with unilateral movements you remove any chance of playing favorites or one limb doing the bulk