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Welcome to the Blue Ocean Fitness Blog! Stay updated with the latest fitness tips, expert advice, inspiring success stories, and wellness trends. Our blog is your go-to resource for all things health and fitness, helping you stay motivated and informed on your fitness journey.
The TRX row is a great bang for your buck upper body strengthening exercise appropriate for all fitness levels. This is a staple within our workout programs. Check out the video to get the inside scoop! HOW IT WORKS: keep feet close together grab the straps and don’t
Slider Knee to Elbow.. A Core Killer!
Here’s a great anti-extension core exercise appropriate for all fitness levels that will keep your core lean and mean! HOW IT WORKS: grab a pair of sliders place feet on sliders and get into a push up position now bring one leg to elbow and switch! Looking for
The Single Leg Deadlift
Want a knee friendly exercise to strengthen the lower body anddddd improve your balance? I thought so. Here you go… This is a hip dominant exercise, therefore strengthening and targeting the glutes and hamstrings. HOW IT WORKS: grab a dumbell or kettlebell weight in right hand, so right
Single Arm Single Leg Cable Row
Here’s a great exercise that will improve upper body strength, improve core stability, and help your balance! It’s awesome for all fitness levels so check it out… HOW IT WORKS: set a cable up even with your hips left arm has the weight, left leg goes up pull elbow right
Why we want to Limit Communication during Exercise
Did you know… Have you ever been in the middle of an exercise, things were going fine and then all of a sudden you could barely stand up because you lost your balance? Many people refer to this as the “John effect”… because it often happens when I’m
The Anti Rotation Core Exercise
Talk about your all time best core exercises…. this one is hard to beat and it’s great for all fitness levels! The anti-rotation exercise works magic. It is important because we NEED to strengthen our core from a standing position. Every core exercise has its place, and this is a